
  • Współpraca z amerykańską siecią Menards

    Współpraca z amerykańską siecią Menards

    Jesteśmy pierwszą i obecnie jedną z dwóch firm z Polski, której produkty są dostępne w sklepach Menards, jednej z trzech największych sieci DIY w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Rozpoczęta 4 lata temu współpraca rozwija się, a na półki sklepów Menard trafiają kolejne produkty z palety SADDAR Eco-System. Z radością dzielimy się otrzymaną od Gaylena Heckmana, General Managera…

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  • Wyróżnienie w Plebiscycie Ekologicznym

    Wyróżnienie w Plebiscycie Ekologicznym

    W tegorocznej II edycji Plebiscytu Ekologicznego PHU SADDAR zdobył wyróżnienie w kategorii TECHNOLOGIA. Konkurs pod hasłem “Wspólna zielona przyszłość” organizowany jest przez Uniwersytet Kardynała Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie, we współpracy z Ministerstwem Klimatu i Środowiska, Ministerstwem Edukacji i Nauki, Urzędem Marszałkowskim Województwa Mazowieckiego, a także przedstawicielami innych ośrodków naukowych, organizacji pozarządowych i biznesu. Plebiscyt ekologiczny „Wspólna…

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  • Polish eco-innovation in the fight for the environment

    Polish eco-innovation in the fight for the environment

    The patented technology the company uses for production is a global innovation that cares for the environment. On Thursday we will be celebrating International Car Free Day, and last week we celebrated International Day for the Protection of the Ozone Layer. Both initiatives are particularly close to Saddar’s heart. This is because it specializes in…

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  • Polish ecological technology for building PV farms enters the European market

    Polish ecological technology for building PV farms enters the European market

    Polish ecological technology for building PV farms enters the European market. The company’s flagship product are anchors driven in, screwed in and screwed into almost any type of soil or surface. They are used on a large scale, among others for the installation of huge solar farms. Installation is quick and environmentally friendly: without the…

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  • Ecological building solutions from Poland are conquering the EU market.

    Ecological building solutions from Poland are conquering the EU market.

    The first order for Brico Marche covers 51 thousands pieces of SADDAR Eco-anchors, and by the end of the year SADDAR will export over 150,000 to the French market. This is another success of the domestic manufacturer, which at the end of 2020 began selling its products in cooperation with the American chain of 350…

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  • Nomination for the Polish Intelligent Development Award 2022

    Nomination for the Polish Intelligent Development Award 2022

    This is the 7th edition of the Competition organized by the Intelligent Development Center and the Intelligent Development Forum. The winners of the distinction are people and organizations that implement innovative projects, development investments or conduct innovative activities that result in the introduction to the market, already or in the future, of technological or social…

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  • Ecological building solutions from Poland are conquering the US

    Ecological building solutions from Poland are conquering the US

    The SADDAR company specializing in the production of ecological building elements, with the support of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH), signed a contract with an American chain of 350 construction hypermarkets. The first order gives the company the opportunity to quickly expand its range of products in the USA to include new products…

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