Polish ecological technology for building PV farms enters the European market

Polish ecological technology for building PV farms enters the European market. The company’s flagship product are anchors driven in, screwed in and screwed into almost any type of soil or surface. They are used on a large scale, among others for the installation of huge solar farms. Installation is quick and environmentally friendly: without the use of cement and without the need to adjust the ground with heavy equipment. If necessary, installations can simply be moved elsewhere without harming the environment. The basic raw material of PET comes from recycling mainly plastic bottles of mineral water or carbonated drinks. This is an important factor in environmental protection and the transformation of post-consumer or post-production plastic waste into a fully-fledged new product. Such a product replaces the more expensive, made of steel sheet, the production of which requires the consumption of large amounts of energy and non-renewable minerals. In addition, the SADDAR eco anchor driven into the ground will never corrode and will not be exposed to weather conditions, which cannot be said for varnished steel or galvanized steel products. Importantly, the eco-anchors offered by the Polish company can be re-grinded and processed. The product therefore meets the requirements set by the European Union in the field of circular economy. Full article: https://swiatoze.pl/polska-ekologiczna-technologia-do-budowy-farm-pv-wchodzi-na-europejski-rynek/

Whole article: https://swiatoze.pl/polska-ekologiczna-technologia-do-budowy-farm-pv-wchodzi-na-europejski-rynek/
